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Facilities at St John’s

Hearing Loop

The Sanctuary is provided with a hearing induction loop.

Large Print

Large print Bibles are provided in each pew and large print Orders of Service are also available.

Child Activity Bags

If parents or carers wish to keep their children with them throughout the Morning Service, there are small bags of toys/books available from the Stewards.

Lower Level

St John’s offers one large hall, two smaller halls and a well-equipped kitchen, all accessible by wheelchair. One of the smaller halls is suitable for showing slides, where there is a pull-down screen. Our Sanctuary and the halls on the Lower Level are all accessible by wheelchair

Upper Level

There are four rooms on the upper level (one laid out as a board room) (We regret there is no wheelchair access to the upper level)

Accessible Toilet

There is one Toilet on the Lower Level for the disabled which also has baby changing facilities.


There is a small car park with two Parking Bays for those with Disability Badges. The surrounding roads have parking restrictions and parking meters. ( St John’s Church is on a hill and therefore the surrounding roads have steep slopes.)